Saturday 21 April 2007

Renovating Leap Frog

Frogs have very special skin! They don't just wear it, they drink and breathe through it. Frogs don't usually swallow water like we do. Instead they absorb most of the moisture they need through their skin. Not only that, but frogs also rely on getting extra oxygen (in addition to what they get from their lungs) from the water by absorbing it through their skin. Because frogs get oxygen through their skin when it's moist, they need to take care of their skin or they might suffocate. Sometimes you'll find frogs that are slimy. This is because the frog skin secretes a mucus that helps keep it moist. Even with the slimy skin, these frogs need to stay near water. Toads on the other hand have tougher skin that doesn't dry out as fast, so they can live farther from water than most frogs. In addition to jumping in water, frogs and toads can get moisture from dew, or they can burrow underground into moist soil. Frogs shed their skin regularly to keep it healthy. Some frogs shed their skin weekly, others as often as every day! This looks pretty yucky...they start to twist and turn and act like they have the hiccups. They do this to stretch themselves out of their old skin! Finally, the frog pulls the skin off over it's head, like a sweater, and then (this is gross) the frog EATS IT!!!! (EEEEEWWW!)

What do ya call a frog's favorite soda?

The Frog has had some more TLC she has new teak traveller (pictured). The pushpit has been repaired and resecured, some stornchons repaired. And the main salon totally painted ready for dressings. You can see the fine detail in the closeups.

Included are some photos of the slipping, which due to previous vodafone technicalities became incomprehensible and deemed impossible - but I worked it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Sisterhoodlums said...

Gosh! The frog is starting to look almost as smart as the Cat!